Posts tagged process
New for 2012

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First sketch of 2012... seems like a good omen to me. Woke up, crawled out of our tent at Creekside and sat on a stump and started scribbling.
The year 2012 should be a big one, with only two more weeks left at my current job before Bay and I pack up and head to Melbourne. Also, I have to find a new car to pack the stuff into before we can go. 
For almost the past five years I've lived in familiar surroundings, first in Brisbane and then back here on the farm, and so its exciting to be heading out into the big weird unknown world again... staking out new favourite cafes, restaurants and shops, new routes to run on in the morning and even different ways to drive to avoid turning across multiple lanes of traffic. 
Shit man, its all going to be happening very soon. 
I'll try and draw some in between.
And I've been taking lots of farming photos, mostly of dogs that seem to be appearing everywhere, so be prepared for the Christmas-NYE retrospective, coming soon.
Something sacred
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Just doin' stuff, eating jellybeans... Making lists of things I have to do, which is never a good sign. I've been playing around with watercolours more and more because I want to paint, but going outside, finding my acrylic/spray paints, working out some canvas or wood and not having the dogs eat or touch anything just seems super complicated and drawn out. Plus I'm still thinking about what I'm doing--process and colours and layout. 
Been thinking about Jim Morrison a lot too, but that's another story.
There seems to be a lot of things happening at the moment.
I never know if shit gets hectic, or normal life-speed freaks me out. 
Process: sort of

I don't even know if it's finished, but I've had enough.

Sometimes you've got to kill four or five
thousand men before you somehow
get to believe that the sparrow
is immortal, money is piss and
that you have been wasting
your time.