Jumper-cable lips It's all happening... three days left of work, rego on the car now lapsed, life being thrown into absolute disarray... We're on our way. This pretty girl is the shape of things to come. xo Rachel UrquhartJanuary 10, 2012art, drawing, feathers, girl, illustration, mystic, watercolourComment
Silver Spirit Beautiful, dreamy images with an illustrative/watercolour touch... Silver Spirit. Photographer: Andrey Yakovlev Art Director: Lili Aleeva Models: Lubov Nenilina, Mariya Pasynkova Here. Via Earth Age. Rachel UrquhartJanuary 9, 2012fashion editorial, mystic, watercolour Comments
Quickdraw Just a silly, quick sketch. Things are about to get super hectic... five days left of work and I've got to find a new car before we hit the road and head south... It should be a nice adventure though. Rachel UrquhartJanuary 9, 2012art, drawing, illustration, mystic, sketch, sketchbook, wolf Comments
Mother nurture Well, I sort of blew it with the spray paint and the knives, but at least now I know not to do that again. If I can muster the internal fortitude, I'll fix it. She's a giant, like twice the size of an A3. Rachel UrquhartDecember 22, 2011Eastern Rosellas, Mother Nature, art, birds, drawing, girl, illustration, mystic, nasturtiums, painting Comments