Just a quick little time-lapse drawing of my sketchy ink/watercolour/highlight processes.
So I had this big sketchbook plan about how the parrot was going to be an exotic type -- not the King and Crimson parrots and rosellas I grew up with -- and it just ended up looking exactly like a King Parrot with a Crimson Rosella's colouring. Anyway. This is an Instagram/sketchbook peek, hopefully I can pin down a second to scan/fix up/maybe even reproduce in larger format.
More fun later.
And there's always fun happening here: Instagram: @raychponygold, Tumblr
More fun later.
And there's always fun happening here: Instagram: @raychponygold, Tumblr

It's all happening... three days left of work, rego on the car now lapsed, life being thrown into absolute disarray... We're on our way.
This pretty girl is the shape of things to come.