For the first time in what may be years, I finally have new prints in my online store! These will be available on a timed release – for one week only – which allows me to offer some different printing styles to what I usually do.

So, everyday for this week, I wanted to spotlight a different print or print set that is in the online store, just to share a bit about what I’ve been working on and what I’ve brought out in this release!

Today, it’s the ‘Subtropical Summer’ print, available here.

This artwork was originally created for my Patrons; for my top-tier patrons, I release a flash-style illustration page as a digital download that they can print and hang in their homes, and I also provide it as an outline-only artwork that they are welcome to colour in. I do this every two months. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you can check out my Patreon here…

The Subtropical Summer sheet was made in Dec/Jan of 20/21, and depicts a lot of the creatures and feelings that typify summer in my homelands. It features a barn owl, who I glimpsed a few times over the season, a bandy bandy snake that seemed to keep appearing to my sister and friends, a noisy cicada, big fluffy storm clouds, and of course, just a beautiful decorative western saddle for good measure.

I love making collections of illustrations that document a point in time, and that’s what this page is all about!