Vintage turquoise necklaces, Asos shirt, rings: vintage and
Rejoice the Hands.
Things I loved in January:
Fireworks from rooftops Δ quitting drinking for a month Δ driving lost through bushland
listening to Alabama Shakes Δ surprising a wedge-tail eagle drinking from a
roadside pond Δ new soles on my Harley boots Δ more Millie Savage silver Δ finding
new local florists vs. stealing flowers from gardens and roadsides Δ Tom Robbins
autobiography (Tibetan Peach Pie) Δ this cute Lykke Wullf shirt Δ forcing Weenie
Mutt to swim in icy southern waters on 40°C days Δ ginger ale (sans whiskey) Δ banjo playing and my black Tanglewood beauty Δ painting native Australian birds
and plants in vibrant colours Δ re-watching Arrested Development episodes Δ these coconut goods Δ B52s and Jackson Five Δ long floral 90s dresses with chunky
boots and Harley tees Δ crisp summer mornings in southern Australia Δ new Three Arrows Leather goods made of the softest magical leather Δ daydreaming up plans
for our future home of wood and glass and solar and plants …